“Taiwan Struck by 7.2 Magnitude Powerful Earthquake:Updates, Impact, and Tsunami

Taiwan Struck by Powerful Earthquake:

A significant earthquake rocked Taiwan early on April 3, leading to structural damage and affecting the entire island, as reported by the Associated Press (AP).

Magnitude Discrepancy and Tsunami Warnings:

Taiwan’s earthquake monitoring agency recorded the quake’s magnitude at 7.2, while the US Geological Survey estimated it to be 7.5. Subsequently, authorities in Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines issued tsunami warnings and evacuation advisories for coastal areas.

Casualties and Impact:

The earthquake resulted in at least four fatalities and nearly 60 injuries. Among them, three individuals lost their lives while hiking in the hills surrounding the city, crushed by falling boulders.

Unprecedented Strength:

Head of Taipei’s Seismology Centre, Wu Chien-fu, described the event as the most powerful earthquake in 25 years, reminiscent of the devastating 1999 quake which claimed thousands of lives.

Regional Impact and Sensitivity:

Witnesses in Shanghai reported feeling the tremors, with local Chinese media noting similar experiences in Fujian province, specifically in Fuzhou, Ningde, Quanzhou, and Xiamen.

Structural Damage and Rescue Efforts:

Television footage depicted buildings in Hualien shaking violently, with over 26 structures collapsing, half of which were in Hualien, the quake’s epicenter. A significant rescue operation is underway, particularly to extricate around 20 trapped individuals.

Infrastructure Resilience:

Despite the seismic activity, Taipei’s MRT resumed operations swiftly, and the country’s high-speed rail service reported no damage or injuries, albeit delays for safety inspections.

Industrial Continuity:

Operations at the Southern Taiwan Science Park, home to major semiconductor companies like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), remained unaffected.

Tsunami Alerts Across the Region:

Authorities issued tsunami alerts for Taiwan, Japan’s Okinawa, and coastal regions of the Philippines, urging residents to prepare for potential high waves. The Japan Meteorological Agency predicted a tsunami of up to 3 meters following the earthquake.

Philippines’ Precautionary Measures:

The Philippine seismology agency recommended immediate evacuation of coastal areas facing the Pacific Ocean, emphasizing the risk of significant tsunami waves, prompting residents in several provinces to relocate to higher ground or inland.

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